
             For frugal living enthusiasts, the list below contains helpful tips on how to save money. They will help you trim your budget, stretch your dollars and keep more in your wallet!

             1)    Eat at Home

       Cooking meals at home can be much less expensive than eating out (not to mention healthier). By planning your meals in advance and keeping a well-stocked pantry, you can minimize or eliminate expensive take-out food.

             2)    Turn off the Lights

       Although it may seem small, adjusting your lights will help you save money on a monthly basis. Incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy, so be sure to turn them off in rooms you are not using. When leaving a room for a long period of time, try turning off all the lights; this is even more important if the room has many light bulbs (like an office).

             3)    No More Dryer Sheets

       Most dryer sheets contain chemicals that coat your clothing and reduce static cling. Substituting dryer balls or simply hanging items to air-dry can break this chemical cycle and help you save money on laundry supplies.

             4)    DIY Cleaning Supplies

       By making your own cleaning supplies like laundry detergent and dishwasher soap, you cut out harsh chemicals and save money at the same time.

             5)    Pub Hunt

       Instead of going out for drinks or cook-outs, get together with friends to explore your local pubs! You can have a great time and really cut back on your wallet by cooking at home and taking turns buying rounds.

             6)    Water Your Lawn

       By watering your lawn less often or during cooler parts of the day you will conserve water and save money on your water bill. Another way to do this is by installing an irrigation system in your yard which you can program to turn on only when needed.

             7)    Shop Local

       Shopping locally keeps more profits from entering your community. By shopping at local stores you can avoid chain stores and save money by staying away from high-end items. You can also save money by purchasing used or refurbished items, which benefit the environment too!

             8)    DIY Gifts

       The best gifts are handmade ones! Instead of buying gifts, take some time to make something special for friends and family members. This is not only a great way to save money but will definitely be appreciated more than anything bought in the store.

             9)    Have a Garage Sale

       Doing your spring cleaning? Sell old clothes, furniture, electronics etc at your closest garage sale to get rid of clutter and earn extra cash! Just be mindful of your neighbors and make sure to clean up after the sale is over.

             10)    Make a Budget

       The best way to save money is by making a budget that works for you. Keep track of your monthly bills and see where you can cut back on expenses so you have more cash in hand at the end of each month. By following these tips, every penny counts!

For Frugal Living enthusiasts there are many great ways to save money listed above, here are some more suggestions:


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