

When you don’t make what you deserve, here are a few things you can do to save a few bucks while you work on your long term goals.

1. Skip Starbucks  – days  – once  or twice  a week  and put that $5 toward bigger goals like an iced coffee machine (about $50) or high speed blender ($40). Not only will you save money, but these items can also last much longer than a year.

2. Skip the manicure  – week  and instead paint your nails with clear polish every day for about 5 days . The results are pretty similar and you’ll save time too.

3. Buy flowers – once  every season or two to brighten up your house/apartment/dorm room. Then plant them in pots so they can grow year after year for free!

4. Make lunch at home – days  a week  instead of buying it on campus or at work, this saves around $4-$8 a day , which adds up to over $100 each month . Plus, making your own lunch is healthier and cheaper !

5. Donate blood – once  every few months for money or points toward a donation ($40-50) that you can use toward graduate school tuition. The Red Cross offers gift cards as rewards for donating!

6. Ride your bike/walk/take public transportation to work – every  day instead of driving your car . You might have to wake up earlier but you’ll save gas money ($20+ a week), wear and tear on your car, and reduce your carbon footprint.

7. Cook at home – every  day instead of eating out . Getting the job done with the least amount of dishes is a great way to save time in the long run, plus it saves you money too! You can also roast vegetables in the oven for an easy side dish or make oatmeal to take along for breakfast !

8. Keep all your change in a jar to add up over time , then use that money toward bigger goals like saving money to move out or travel abroad . Even small amounts will add up quickly when you never see them again!

9. Look for ways to cut your bills . Many companies have customer service numbers with “the more you spend, the more you save.” These savings generally come in the form of a free month of service or a one time rebate on your monthly bill. Also, by consolidating all your bills into one statement and paying it online , you can actually earn some extra cash on any funds that don’t make it to the bank by the due date (should be about $5-$8).

10. Stick to a budget and keep track of where your money goes! You might not think this matters much but seeing how little you make will motivate you to figure out new ways to save money each month  and help reach those long term goals.


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