

It may not be the solution you were hoping for, but there are a number of good ways to find free money in your home. But you have to look really hard – and know where your stuff is.

1. Freebies : One way is to take advantage of all the free samples that companies offer at grocery stores and malls. You can also get coupons and freebies from the newspaper and other publications.

2. Sell off what you don’t need: Take a look around your home. Do you have stuff that isn’t being used? That’s money literally sitting in your house – and there’s no reason why it should be (unless of course, it means something to someone). You can sell them at garage sales or on websites like Craigslist.

3. Check out the attic: Most people never think about what they have up in their attics until they need it for some reason. Dig through and see if anything is worth selling (or giving away) or using yourself!

4. Check out the garage: Garage sales are a great way to get rid of a lot of your stuff – and if you do it regularly, then more people will come and check out your sale! And don’t forget about Craigslist again – you can post what you have for sale on their website, often for free!

5. Don’t neglect the items in your home that seem useless: One example would be the junk drawer or old broken kitchen appliances. There’s usually no reason why an item should be considered useless unless there is something wrong with it – but even then, someone can likely find a use for it if they’re creative enough (and maybe not very familiar with modern things!). Items like this could sell on eBay or Craigslist for a good price – especially if you take some attractive pictures of it.

6. Check out the library: Most libraries have a solid collection of CDs and DVDs, but the limit is usually only two or three items at a time. You could check them out and see if any of them are things you want to keep – if not, then sell them (either on eBay or Craigslist).

7. Don’t look past your own home: You should never forget about what’s inside your own house first before looking for free money outside. Check your closets and drawers and see what you can find that’s worth selling! Some people even end up finding hidden treasures like antique stuff in their basements/attics as well!

8. Check the bookshelf: Your house probably has a lot of good reads that others would love to read – and all it takes is some simple packaging before you can sell them (or give them away) online. Or if you’re more into collecting things, then eBay might be right for you!

9. Sell photos: If you’ve ever tried selling your own stuff on eBay, then you know how difficult it can be to make a decent profit off of most items there. It’s much easier (and more profitable) to sell photos instead! There are many websites where people will pay for pictures like these – and most places let you keep all of the proceeds!

10. Have a garage sale: This might seem obvious but there are a lot of garage sales that are held every day all around the world. Why should you miss out on extra cash? It’s very easy to make money at these things but you have to be creative! You can try selling your stuff online first before seeing if anyone wants it offline, or having everything right there for people to see and pick up. Some people even rent booths in order to sell larger items!

11. Sell old books: Whether it’s old textbooks or children’s books that you don’t read anymore, there are plenty of places online where you could sell them for a good price (or even give them away for free). Try using website like BooksRun where you can create listings for free!



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